Beech Grove


Admissions arrangements

Please click here to view our Admissions Policy

School Admissions

Beech Grove Primary School is a Community school and therefore the admission arrangements are set by Somerset Local Authority. Please click here for further information on the admission arrangements.

Children transferring to Beech Grove from another school 

If your child is moving from another school and you wish to apply for a place at Beech Grove, please complete the application form below: 

In-Year Application form

Changing Schools in Somerset In Year leaflet

Once we receive your application, we forward it on to the Local Authority (LA) who will confirm whether or not we are able to offer your child a place.   

If a place is available, and once confirmation from the LA has been received, we will send you an offer letter; this should be within 10 days of receipt of your application.

Where an application has been refused in any year group, your child will be placed on a waiting list. This will be kept strictly in order of oversubscription criteria which are determined by the Local Authority, as the Admission Authority. 

Visits to the school are warmly welcomed.

The School Admissions Code states that the Admission authorities must set a timetable for organising and hearing appeals. The link below takes you to the appeal timetables on the Somerset Council website at:

Children due to start school for the first time or transferring to secondary school

The school follows the Local Authority (LA) guidelines for the admission of Reception children, i.e. that all children should be admitted to a school in the September prior to their 5th birthday.

Please apply online by visiting:                           

The deadline for primary phase applications is the 15th January.                          The deadline for secondary phase applications is 31st October.

Beech Grove has an excellent transition programme that introduces children into the school in a gradual, sensitive manner. Our staff visit the local pre-schools so that the children can meet them in a familiar environment. The children are then invited to visit the school for taster sessions.

At the end of term in July, before the September intake, parents are offered home visits. Staff will visit children and parents in their own home environment, where children feel most comfortable. Children can continue to get to know the adults that they will be working with, and parents can ask questions and raise any concerns.