Beech Grove



Our fundraising project

We have very ambitious plans for the school and hope to raise at least £20,000 so that we can make improvements to several of our outside areas.  Phase one of our project is to reshape the grove and provide a wildlife area in the EYFS outdoor space. We also want to install some outdoor mirrors to help reinforce the key teaching of coping with different emotions and recognising the feelings of others.

In addition, we want to introduce new climbing equipment in the playground and a trim trail so that the children not only have a more stimulating environment for break times, but so they can improve their skills in climbing, balancing and team-work. Opportunities to play and be active are more important than ever to lessen the social, emotional and mental health impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on our children.

We will be publishing our target of £20,000 along with regular updates on the progress of the project. We will also involve the children in helping us decide on the most appropriate equipment needed; we can then share this information with you in our newsletters so that you can see exactly what we are aiming for.


How you can help us fundraise

We hope that you will be able to help us with fundraising but we appreciate that not everyone is in a position to simply donate to the school. We have therefore registered as a cause with an online search engine called ‘The Giving Machine’ (details below). 


The Giving Machine

When you shop online, you make a purchase via ‘The Giving Machine’.  Your purchase automatically generates a sales commission, which is the same as other search engines, but The Giving Machine turns this into donations.  If you can nominate our school as your chosen cause, then this commission will be passed on to us at no extra cost to the customer. 

For more information, please click on the following link;


Go Fund Me

For anyone who would like to make a direct donation to the school, or indeed just to see how well we are doing with our fundraising, please click on our ‘Go Fund Me’ page on Facebook at:

We hope to link with local businesses to see if there are any opportunities for them to help with our project.  If you know of any businesses that might like to help, perhaps with some form of match-funding, please let us know.

We will continue to research other ways to raise funds for the school and will share this information with you in our newsletters.

This is an exciting project for Beech Grove which has the potential to make a huge difference for all of our children. Please do spread the word so that we can get as many people involved as possible and begin working towards achieving our target.     


Our school needs your help...

Do you work for an organisation that offers match funding?

Match funding is an easy way that companies can meet their corporate social responsibilities by supporting schools' fundraising. Many companies, particularly banks, supermarkets, and energy companies offer match funding schemes.

We would be extremely grateful if all parents/carers and relatives could please check with their workplace to see if they already have a scheme. If they don't already have a scheme, why not ask them to introduce one?

If we can generate additional funds through this scheme it would make a huge difference to the enrichment opportunities available to the children at Beech Grove.

Maybe your employer could pledge some time or resources to support the school in addition to or instead of match funding.

If you think you can help us, please contact the school office and we will pass your details on to our PTA (Friends of Beech Grove).

Thank you for your support.