Curriculum Intent
At Beech Grove, we have designed a curriculum to meet the needs of our school and the community we serve.
Our strap-line: ‘Engage, Enrich, Excel’ sits at the heart of our decision making.
It is our vision to:
ENGAGE our pupils in the joy of learning through a broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum that is driven by pupils’ needs and interests.
ENRICH our pupils’ learning by connecting them to their local, national and global world and by opening doors to new experiences and opportunities.
Support every pupil to EXCEL, regardless of the challenges they may face.
We are committed to building an inclusive school that raises aspirations for all.
To enable us to achieve our vision, we have created a curriculum that:
- is tailored to meet the needs of our pupils and school community
- is rooted in the context of our school and its locality, culture and heritage
- provides a broad range of experiences that inspire our pupils and connect them to their local, national and global world
- provides opportunities for pupils to understand and embody our core values of: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Aspiration, Courage and Kindness
- is ambitious for all pupils
- develops our core learning behaviours of: Engagement, Perseverance, Independence and Collaboration
- recognises and celebrates the unique contribution each individual can make to our school community
- provides enrichment opportunities to broaden and enhance the children's experience
- secures pupils’ core skills, knowledge and understanding to an age appropriate level and beyond
- is adapted and developed to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities
- provides full coverage of the National Curriculum and appropriate progression from EYFS to Year 6
- prepares pupils well for the next phase of their education and life beyond school
- is flexible and responsive to pupils’ interests, feedback and evaluations, including how well they perform in internal and external assessments
As a result of our high quality curriculum, our pupils will:
- develop as confident, ambitious and
reflective learners who are inspired to achieve their best and make a positive contribution to our school and the wider world
- develop a love of learning and an understanding of how to become lifelong learners
- demonstrate our core values in their behaviour and interactions with others
- feel a sense of belonging and pride in their school
- be well prepared for life in modern Britain
- experience equality of opportunity, addressing any gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding, to diminish social disadvantage
- achieve at least age-related expectations across the curriculum including in reading, writing and mathematics (except where this is not possible due to an identified learning need)
- have the opportunity to fill any gaps in their knowledge, skills and understanding so that they make good progress in all subjects
- achieve well in external assessment against national benchmarks at the end of each key stage
- have the opportunity to develop and pursue their interests, talents and future goals