Welcome to Beech Grove Primary School
It is a privilege to welcome you to our website and to our school.
We are incredibly proud of the inclusive, family feel we have fostered at Beech Grove and the strong links we have with our local community.
We believe that every child deserves an outstanding education and we recognise our responsibility to deliver this. Whilst our goal of creating very literate and numerate children is central to our work, our aim is much bolder: to help develop socially confident, morally responsible individuals who are equipped to make a positive contribution to society and to live a fulfilled life.

OfstedIn 2022, Ofsted
There is a strong sense of community at Beech Grove. Pupils are happy and safe. They form strong relationships with adults and want to do well. Staff have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of opportunities outside of the classroom.... This helps to develop pupils' confidence and shows them how to be active citizens in the community.
There is a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils... Leaders have established a comprehensive programme for pupils' wider development. Pupils learn how to look after their mental and physical health.